Our Story

WE'RE ON A MISSION to eliminate plastic

Plastic Free Noosa is focusing its efforts on working hand in hand with the community and local businesses to reduce its reliance on single-use plastic.

The most pow­erful actions begin with the individual, extend to the community and then to our politicians. If we want to see wide scale change, we need to create a culture of community action, and the best time to start is right now.

OUR VISION ‘Plastic Free Noosa’ is a community plan with an aspirational goal to become a community where it is easy to avoid unnecessary single-use plastics, because it simply isn't available anymore.

To make this plan achievable, we are working with Noosa Council, local businesses (specifically hospitality/retailers), local media, community organisations and schools, event organisers and active individuals to target 6 plastic items which represent problematic and prolific sources of the litter stream.

Our Impact so far

Business Members
Single use plastic eliminated
Plastic Free Champions

empowering communities to make a difference

Plastic Free Noosa was the pilot program for Boomerang Alliances' Plastic Free Places program, which focuses on the next step to achieving this wide scale change by having a whole community taking control of its plastic footprint, with a focus on long lasting solutions.

Noosa is playing a vital role by providing insight into running a comprehensive community program that will aid future communities attempting to reduce single-use plastic. It is leading the way in showing what can be achieved when a community works together towards a single goal - and is empowering other communities to follow along the way.

Noosa is dedicated to eliminating single-use plastics and since being selected as the first community in Australia to take on this battle in 2018, we have eliminated over 11 million pieces of plastic.

Plastic Free Places

Communities Taking Control

The Plastic Free Noosa program was initiated in Feb 2017 with on ground commencement from Feb 2018. A whole of community campaign, open to all food retailers in Noosa, plus selected markets and events.

Note: At the end of 2019, the program was handed over to the Noosa community, and is now managed by Tourism Noosa in partnership with Noosa Council. Plastic Free Noosa aligns itself with industry and partners to increase the impact of the program. We will continue to develop further sectors and industry partnerships to capitalise on the success of the approaches designed and delivered in Noosa.

Why Noosa?

We care a lot about our environment and want to protect it.

The Noosa community has a long and proud history of protecting and enhancing this region’s world-class nature for generations to come. Tourism Noosa, the official destination marketing organisation for the Noosa region, has come along on this journey through implementing environmentally sustainable programs including Plastic Free Noosa, Sustainable Events, Trees for Tourism, and Noosa Eco Check which aim to encourage businesses to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce their environmental impact, while achieving cost savings.

Tourism is the largest economic provider to the town of Noosa. With a population of 54,000, this can swell to approximately 84,000 during peak times. Noosa is an environmentally-aware community. Its political and community leaders, Council, local businesses and community have all supported efforts and acted to reduce their plastic packaging footprint to ensure that the impact from additional population/visitors is not an issue for our beaches, waterways and ocean.

The satisfaction that visitors get knowing that Noosa is a relaxing and beautiful destination because it is cared for and looked after by its local community is priceless for the region.

Noosa is the perfect place to become a plastic free community, protect its environment, and enhance its reputation as a responsible and active environmentally-friendly community that will lead the way for others to follow.

Join the movement

Australia is changing

In 2017 the Queensland State Government took significant steps towards addressing Queensland litter and plastic pollution problems by backing a ban on lightweight plastic bags and a Container Deposit Scheme in Queensland, starting in 2018.

Further steps were taken by the Government in 2021 expanding the ban on single-use plastics to include plastic straws, takeaway food containers, plastic cutlery and stirrers from September 2021.

The Queensland State Government continues to consult with manufacturers, suppliers and businesses as they work towards achieving a proposed five-year roadmap for action on single-use plastic items including additional single-use plastic items in the ban such as single-use takeaway coffee cups and lids.

These measures will dramatically reduce plastic litter and act to build community awareness about the dangers of plastic litter.


When the Plastic Free Noosa program started in 2018, the initial focus was on six single-use plastic priority items commonly found in the hospitality sector. From March 2023, the program's criteria ventures beyond these items in response to the Queensland State Government's ban on single-use plastics and encourages businesses and organisations across all sectors to work towards zero waste operations.

The fact is that plastic litter in the environment is an eyesore, a pollutant, a threat to wildlife and, according to recent reports, a potential threat to human health.

We have partnered with these fantastic organisations

Our Partners

We have teamed up with some really inspirational people

Our Ambassadors

Get involved

Ready to go plastic free? Plastic Free Noosa helps to protect the environment by empowering the Noosa community in eliminating single-use plastics through direct engagement, recognition and facilitating circular economies.

Go plastic free
