Why Noosa?
We care a lot about our environment and want to protect it.
The Noosa community has a long and proud history of protecting and enhancing this region’s world-class nature for generations to come. Tourism Noosa, the official destination marketing organisation for the Noosa region, has come along on this journey through implementing environmentally sustainable programs including Plastic Free Noosa, Sustainable Events, Trees for Tourism, and Noosa Eco Check which aim to encourage businesses to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce their environmental impact, while achieving cost savings.
Tourism is the largest economic provider to the town of Noosa. With a population of 54,000, this can swell to approximately 84,000 during peak times. Noosa is an environmentally-aware community. Its political and community leaders, Council, local businesses and community have all supported efforts and acted to reduce their plastic packaging footprint to ensure that the impact from additional population/visitors is not an issue for our beaches, waterways and ocean.
The satisfaction that visitors get knowing that Noosa is a relaxing and beautiful destination because it is cared for and looked after by its local community is priceless for the region.
Noosa is the perfect place to become a plastic free community, protect its environment, and enhance its reputation as a responsible and active environmentally-friendly community that will lead the way for others to follow.
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